breast augmentation cosmetic surgeon

Breast Augmentation Cosmetic Surgeon in Venice Beach

In LA, it’s important to stand out. The most gorgeous people in the world live here. It’s not always easy to shine above the rest. You are already beautiful, but sometimes you could use a little extra to make sure that you rise above the rest. That’s what our cosmetic surgeon in Venice Beach is here to help with. We have so many procedures that can help you to look your best in any scenario. In the below blog, we’re going to go over some of our breast augmentation cosmetic surgeon in Venice Beach procedures as well as some about breast lifting. Then, we might go into some other services that we offer.

A Cosmetic Surgeon in Venice Beach for Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation has come a long way. In the past, augmented breasts didn’t always look natural. They managed to stand out for the worst reasons. That’s not what we do here at the Venice Beach Surgical Center. Instead, we make sure that our patients get the absolute right, most perfect and natural breasts for them. The days of the “fake” breasts are gone – these are your breasts, simply augmented. They will look natural, youthful and absolutely perfect for your body. We have a variety of ways of making sure that’s the case.

The Right Breasts for You

Every breast augmentation procedure (really, every procedure) starts with talking to Dr. Rojas and/or his specialists. Here at the Venice Beach Surgical Center, we love sitting down with people and going over their situations. Then, we’re able to help them to make the right decision for their lives. We lay out the facts, the pros, and the cons, all backed by our years of experience. We’ve found that the more informed patients are, the better decisions they can make about their own procedures and futures. We figure this information is just one more way that we can help our customers.

breast augmentation cosmetic surgeon

Perfect Size and More

So, when you consult with us about a possible breast augmentation, we’ll figure out the right procedure as well as size for you. We’ve been doing this for a long time. We know what size breasts look great on someone and what size breasts don’t. So, we’re able to walk you through the process so that you find the “just right” perfect size of breasts for your figure. Once you’ve signed off on the size of your breasts, then it’s time to figure out the right procedure for your frame. Most people think that, when it comes to breast augmentation, “one size fits all” in terms of procedure. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Right Procedure

Everyone’s bodies are different. So, what’s the right breast augmentation procedure for one person won’t be the same for the next. That’s why we make sure to give you the best breast augmentation procedure for your figure. That being said, the most common one is where we make an incision on the lower portion of the breast. If you look at your body, it’s just away from the crease where the chest meets your breast. The reason for this is simple: it will help no one notice if there’s any potential scar. Even the smallest bathing suit would cover it here. However, that’s not the right procedure for everyone. That’s why we have more.

The junction of the areola itself is another place where we often make the incision for breast augmentation. That’s where the colored skin around the nipple meets the skin. This is, as with all our incisions, a small one. It’s typically semi-circle that’s just left than half the distance around the lower part of your areola. Another possibility is that we make an incision in your armpit or in the near area. The least used method (which is perfect for many patients) is to go through the person’s belly button. Now, as you might imagine – these procedures all seem very different. From the armpit to the areola to the belly button, those are very different parts of the body. Again, this is where the experience of Dr. Rojas and his specialists really comes in handy. They can help you to make the right decision for your body.

While we’re quite proud of the breast augmentation services we offer, it’s just one of the many different kinds of services that our patients can expect when they come to us. We can make your entire body look exactly how you want it to look. For many people, that means that a tummy tuck. For still others, it’s a Brazilian butt lift. For still others past them, it means a complete Mommy Makeover. However you want your body to look, we can help. All you have to do is give us a call at (310) 870-1224or head to our site and send us a message for a free consultation.