Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles

Can Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles Benefit You?

Getting breast implants can be a life changing experience for most women and Dr. Rojas has been changing lives for 20 years. In that time he has met many women who have benefited from breast augmentation in Los Angeles. So, if you are considering breast augmentation in your future here are some benefits that you may not have considered. 

Adding Volume and Curves with Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles

Some women develop smaller breasts that don’t offer the curves they want for their physique. Getting breast implants can be the greatest way to add volume and curves to a woman’s silhouette. It can make you feel much more feminine and curvaceous no matter what your goal is. Some women have breast implant surgery so that they can finally fill out a bikini. Some wish to go up a size while others want more noticeable curves in their everyday clothes.  

Breast Augmentation in Los Angeles

Evening Out Asymmetrical Breasts

Every woman has a degree of breast asymmetry naturally yet for some women it can be very noticeable. This issue can especially stand out when a woman is being fitted for a bra, wearing a bathing suit or being intimate with a partner. With that asymmetry some women become very self conscious and embarrassed. Breast augmentation is a great way to balance out different breast size and can have an end result of evening matched breasts. This can be effective in helping a woman fit better into their clothing, bathing suit or bra. 

Restore Breasts Due to Aging or Post Pregnancy

Every woman who has breast fed a child knows the toll it can take on the breast’s shape and volume. A mother can end up with breasts that have decreased in volume or become a victim of sagging. Women who don’t have children can also experience sagging and lack of volume with age. Breast augmentation can restore the perky and plump breasts from a woman’s youth or pre-motherhood. 

Rebuilding after a Mastectomy

Going through chemotherapy and surgeries that are required to make it through the journey of breast cancer can have a huge toll on a woman’s body. Breast cancer can leave a woman feeling as if her body is no longer her own, especially when a mastectomy is the only way forward to better health and continued life. When a woman loses her breasts to mastectomy she may feel she lost her identity as a woman as well. Restoring the breasts post cancer can allow survivors to feel like their old self. 

Increasing Self-Confidence

One of the biggest benefits of getting breast augmentation done is the noticeable boost in self confidence. Many women have trouble with their self confidence due to the appearance of their natural breasts. Correcting or improving the appearance of their breasts can be a major step in feeling whole and better. Being able to even out their physical proportions, fill out their favorite new bra or rock a swimsuit they’ve always felt too self conscious to wear can be life altering. 

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation regarding a breast augmentation with Dr. Rojas you can call (310) 870-1224