VASER in Los Angeles

Find VASER in Los Angeles to Sculpt Your Body

We all have areas of our bodies that we may not be pleased with. Who does not want to have a well-toned stomach, a perfect silhouette, or a way to get rid of those pesky problem areas and love handles? It can be especially frustrating for you if you work hard to keep in shape, eat right, and do what is best for your body to help it look fantastic, but you still have minor spots that seem to spoil the look you want most. You may never have considered liposuction as a viable option to help your body, but the new technology available today can help give you just the definition you want. Finding VASER in Los Angeles to help sculpt your body can be just the answer you are seeking to your trouble spots.

Learning More about VASER in Los Angeles

If you have never heard of VASER before, learning some basics about what technology offers can be a good place for you to start. VASER involves the use of probes inserted into small incisions in the skin to help remove fat. However, unlike traditional liposuction, VASER liquefies the fat to be removed using ultrasound. Once the fat has been turned to liquid, it can be removed easily from the body. The benefit is the precise results you get and the lessening of potential disruption of nerves and blood vessels, easing bruises and discomfort liposuction might typically cause.

VASER in Los Angeles

More Refined Results

VASER in Los Angeles is not designed for just anyone looking to lose weight. In fact, VASER is not really for weight loss at all. This procedure is designed to help with body sculpting to remove problem areas. It is more for those that are already close to their ideal weight and just want to tone certain areas of the body. VASER can help sculpt your jawline, improve muscle tone on your thighs, hips, and arms or get rid of problem spots on your back. It can give you a more athletic appearance and help make your muscles more defined and visible.

Where to Go for VASER in Los Angeles

Knowing where you can go for VASER in Los Angeles is important because you want to make sure you choose a surgeon who is experienced with the technology and has produced fantastic results for patients. When you come to us at Dr. Rojas Cosmetic Surgery, you will work with Dr. Augusto Rojas, a cosmetic surgeon who has spent years working with VASER technology successfully. Dr. Rojas has the track record you want on your side so that you get the best results possible with minimum risk and an easier recovery. To find out more about Dr. Rojas and our practice, please visit our website and read the information provided there. If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Rojas to talk about VASER and how it can help you, please call our office at (310) 870-1224, and we will be glad to arrange a meeting for you.