
Get the Facts about Lipo in Los Angeles

If you have been fighting a battle with the bulge in your stomach, love handles around your hips, or excess fat anywhere on your body, you likely have been very frustrated. Having these problem areas can have a negative effect on your confidence and self-esteem, and you may feel like there is nothing that you can do to change the way you look or feel. You may have thought about the possibilities that cosmetic surgery has to offer and wondered if liposuction could be the answer. Understanding some of the facts about lipo in Los Angeles before you move ahead can help you to see if it can be the choice that gives you the results you desire.

Lipo is Not Weight Loss

Liposuction is not a substitute for weight loss. While many people may have the misunderstanding that going for liposuction is the ideal way to get rid of fat in your body, the reality is that the procedure is designed to help you sculpt your body. Liposuction will help you to contour your body so you can have greater definition. Keep in mind, procedures like lipo are meant for those that are in reasonably good shape and close to their ideal weight. This allows the skilled surgeon performing the procedure to contour the areas of the body that are seen as problematic so that fat can be removed in those areas.

Liposuction HD In Los Angeles

Not the Lipo of the Past

You probably think that lipo in Los Angeles is a lot like it was when introduced nearly forty years ago, or what you see in movies or on television. The technology used and the liposuction procedure itself has evolved and developed a great deal since its initial inception so it is no longer like what you may have seen or heard about. Today, the use of more refined methods and technology allows for more exact results in targeted areas so you can see better definition than what was possible in the past. The new procedures also limit the risks and the amount of bruising caused, making recovery less painful and more tolerable for patients.

See an Expert Surgeon Regarding Lipo

The important thing to remember about lipo in Los Angeles is that if you are considering this as an option, you want to speak with an experienced cosmetic surgeon who can perform the procedure for you. Here at Dr. Rojas Cosmetic Surgery, our surgeon, Dr. Augusto Rojas, has many years of experience with liposuction and practices using the latest, safest methods and technology, so you get the best results. To find more information about liposuction and what we can do for you, please read the articles and pages found on our website. You may also contact our office by calling (310) 870-1224. Our staff will gladly answer questions for you and arrange for an office visit and consultation so you can meet with Dr. Rojas and discuss what options will be best for you so that you can restore your confidence.